Day 431: “I’m Stretching!”

Madison was proud to share her journal from school today. Her teacher wrote that she used her big loud voice all morning and even asked her teacher to sit on the couch with her so she could read her a book. 

Madison had a great afternoon with Grandma, Grandpa and Stanley. Her big girl bed was repositioned so that she can climb in and out of it independently. She practiced going in and out while Stanley supervised. 

With Botox scheduled and it being just over 2 weeks away, Madison is trying to get in the routine of stretching at least three times a day. Mommy and Daddy have spoken to her a lot about the importance of stretching so she has been heard several times saying “guys I’m stretching” or “I’m going to stretching now”. When Daddy got home from work tonight Madison was with Emily in the basement. She heard Daddy and yelled up the stairs “Dadda I’m stretching!” Madison did a great job with Emily. They walked in her harness and used her gators to stretch out the back of her knees. She collected balls from all over the room to practice walking and squating while picking them up. Its an excellent activity for Madison to walk and try and do different things using her hands instead of having to use her hands to hold onto something. Madison also practiced sitting on the foam roller. All during her bath and at bedtime she talked about Emily and having fun in the basement – thanks Emily!!

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