Day 46: New Accessory

This morning Madison got to hang out with our neighbour’s Pam and Medford while I caught up on house work and made many phone calls to coordinate schedules of many upcoming appointments, physio etc. Let’s just say that May is going to be a crazy month for Madison…kind of like toddler boot camp.

We Are so lucky to have such great neighbour’s who love Madison and help us in so many ways.


This afternoon Jennifer from Motion Specialists dropped by to check on Madison’s walker and to attach her new accessory – padding to the hip guides. Madison’s waist is so tiny that there was space on either side of her hips so when she would walk in the walker she leaned to the side. Now with the extra padding it will help keep her up straight and stable.



Madison also worked on her stair climbing this afternoon. Madison has now learnt that if you tickle behind her knee or under her foot, that is the part of her body she has to move to be able to climb the stairs in the right sequence. I try and keep each step in sequence so she learns the pattern, but it’s even hard for me to remember sometimes.



We hope that you all had a wonderful Easter long weekend! Thanks for reading!


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