Day 773: A Day at Sick Kids

Just when Mommy thought Madi had a free day to relax…no therapies…no appointments….. That changed very quick… Never a dull moment. Mommy picked up Madi from school and knew something was off. Madi’s teachers reported she was weepy most of the morning and wasn’t herself and complained of a sore tummy. On the way home from school Madi screamed and cried. Madi went to Nana’s to relax on the couch, but the pain and crying got worse. Mommy had never felt the kind of spasms and tone that were happening before with Madi’s little body. It was very intense. Madi headed down to Sick Kids with Mommy and Nana to get things checked out. After 6 hours, urine test in a cup (never thought that would be successful) and blood work she was feeling much better and nothing serious to report from the doctor. We are suspecting the passing of a kidney stone but she is now much more herself and snug in bed. Madi was so brave and such a trooper. Mommy and Nana were very proud of her. Thanks for all the help Nana!

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